Matthew Cahill

Positive thinking, positive action and positive interaction.

With the country gradually re-opening following lockdown, it’s quite understandable that many people will still feel a degree of apprehension at the present time.
It may also be that there will be perspective clients looking for help in easing anxiety based issues.

Obviously, it’s important that people should look for solutions which they feel most comfortable with. It may be a visit to their GP, or they may wish to look at other talking therapies.
It may also be that people are keen to engage with hypnotherapy and so may wish to examine the help which a Modern practitioner can provide to them.

You may be thinking about all the ways in which you can help reduce someone’s stress levels and explain how you can help through social media.
Perhaps you may look to start (or update) a Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn profile? Maybe write a blog? All are great mediums to be able to provide an audience with an upbeat and positive message and introduce people to those all-important Ps!

Positive thinking, positive action and positive interaction.
When seeing clients, it’s still important to engage with your insurer and also with your practice manager to see if there’s any areas of Health and Safety which you need to consider at the present time.

You may also like to speak with your supervisor, in your regular meetings, to discuss ways you can assist people at this current time.

If you’re shielding family members, or have a health related condition which means you’re unable to practice face to face, then you may wish to look at dusting down a spare room, or corner of the living room, and engage with remote support for people who’re looking for a chance to ‘get back’ on their feet.

For any help to be truly successful then we also need to remember the importance of looking after ourselves. Being kind to ourselves and, perhaps, focusing our minds on the immediacy of the present world.

Perhaps take a bit of time out for you. Looking at the sky, the plants, birds and our surroundings can be a great way to feel grounded and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet!
It’s also a chance to engage in a bit of CPD and enjoy some light reading which can make all the difference in the consulting room.

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