Hypnotherapy for Phobias and Fears
Matthew understands the potential problems the recipient of a fear or phobic response can have on their lives, and the restrictions it can bring.
All treatments are tailor-made to the individual personalities. He is able to help with almost all phobias and fears, and you will be pleasantly surprised how common they can be.
Here is an example of phobias and fears we deal with. If you do not see the issue you wish to resolve please contact Matthew who will be pleased to help.
•Acrophobia – heights
•Agoraphobia – open places
•Ailurophobia – cats
•Bacteriophobia – germs
•Belonephobia – needles, pins
•Claustrophobia – confined places
•Cynophobia – dogs
•Erythrophobia – blushing
•Genophobia – sex
•Melissophobia – bees
•Triskaidekaphobia – number 13
•Tocophobia – childbirth
By using hypnotherapy we are more often than not able to break down these thought patterns, and prevent them recurring.
A free consultation is required before embarking on this program.
Call 07968178020 or Book an appointment with Matthew using the contact from below.