This is traditionally the moment when many of our members would have been gearing up to help people overcome their minor fears around flying abroad for their summer holidays. This year and things …
Reducing Stress Bucket Levels
With the first anniversary of the first national lockdown approaching, it’s a good time to perhaps reflect on some of the events of the past twelve months. There has, of course, been a tremendous …
Needles and Injections?
As the role out of the vaccine programme continues across the UK, it's worth remembering practitioners may be able to help people overcome some concerns they may feel towards needles and …
Wishing You Every Success For 2021.
The start of the New Year has seen the lockdown re-introduced across England with existing restrictions being tightened in other parts of the United Kingdom. As such, members are currently …
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Online Therapy through lockdown
With Covid 19 restrictions being increased in some areas, and, with the introduction of a national tier system, it's crucial to carefully liaise with your practice managers, insurers and supervisors …
As Lockdown Continues…
As we head towards the start of 2021, many people will be setting themselves new challenges and resolutions. The current lockdown may have resulted in a greater sense of determination and direction …