As practitioners, we’re always on the lookout for material which helps us strengthen the left pre-frontal cortex’s important role in stopping smoking. And the past week has seen some good news for …
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to everyone! We have some very exciting plans for our continued growth and development which we look forward to sharing with you over the course of the next 12 months. January is …
Hypnosis and Modern Medicine.
A wonderful insightful, excellent and thoroughly absorbing article looking at aspects of treatment associated with Hypnotherapy. It ran with the following headline for its front cover: ‘The Healing …
Keep on track this autumn.
We often find that as the nights start to draw in and the weather changes so people can turn to a bit of 'comfort eating.' As with everything in life: it's not a problem, unless it's a problem.And …
Autumn is here!
As we head into the autumn season, so the days will become shorter and the nights longer. It can be a great time to snuggle down in front of a log fire, but, for some people, the transition can be a …
As we head towards summer…
As we head towards summer, it can be a good time to re-examine aspects of our marketing strategies. Traditionally, it’s a time when people ‘jet off’ to far flung destinations for their annual …