And it really is election fatigue. There’s been more elections held in 2024 than at any other time throughout the whole of human history.
More than 60 countries are scheduled to hold national votes during this year and just under half of the world’s population will have cast a ballot by the time the clocks strike midnight on New Year’s Eve.
The ‘drip, drip, drip’ effect of these outcomes can have a cumulative effect on our psyche. The primitive brain doesn’t like change and yet this year has seen constant change in the political world – with real life consequences which further raise anxiety levels.
As an example, the results of Taiwan’s elections have seen an increase in sabre rattling in the South China seas. And then there was the Russian election where the current President remains in situ.
This past weekend saw elections in Georgia with a result which may see the country align itself more closely to its neighbour (Russia). And so on. You get the picture.
There will be clients who will share their fears about the global stage with you during a session. As always, we should acknowledge what’s being said to us. Equally, we can help someone to rationalise their response to a perception of threat.
And that means focusing on mirror neurons and our ability to encourage someone to take those small steps which allow them to take control over the smaller aspects of their lives.
In doing so, they can gain a sense of power over their thoughts relating to the bigger picture for what’s happening in society.
Over a period of sessions, you may even notice a switch away from talking about what’s happening at a broader level of national / international events to a more positive focus about what’s been happening within a home setting.
Recognising areas of our lives where we can have authority over what happens can be a useful step forwards for people looking to reduce their worries and gain confidence in themselves.
Trick or treat?
The end of October traditionally sees the annual Halloween Trick or Treat ‘ritual.’ Our primitive brain may dread that knock on the front door but it could also be a chance to have a chat with our neighbours – and share chocolate with them.
The political landscape currently presents us all with a similar conundrum. Our practice rooms provide an opportunity to reassure and calm clients to help them face the world with a positive and upbeat outlook.
Watching political events unfold across the pond and following the American election is throwing up some interesting areas of research.
We’ve previously reflected on a recent Dutch study which suggested that people who tended to vote for right wing politics have a slightly larger amygdala when compared against people who opted to put their ‘x’ alongside left wing politicians. The difference is small. says the variance is equivalent to a single sesame seed.
A report was published over the course of the last few days which caught my attention as it takes a look at the US elections.
Medical Xpress quotes the findings of the American Psychological Association which found that more than seven in ten adults say the future of the U.S. is a significant source of stress in their lives.
The report added approximately the same number of respondents were concerned that the results could lead to violence with ‘more than half say the election could be the end of democracy in the U.S.’
As you would expect, this newsletter is completely apolitical and our organisation never espouses any type of political viewpoint. It would be wrong and unethical for us to do so.
However, it’s not an understatement to suggest that the results of the US election could have very significant ramifications for the world. Indeed, the BBC even staged a Question Time special from a studio in Philadelphia.
To be fair, it’s not the first time that our national broadcaster has transmitted QT from the States. The last time was in 2008. Even so, with the polls on a knife edge and things being so close to call, the atmosphere generated can really impact the work we do.
The cumulative effects of the news cycle
Some of our members may work with Stateside clients who’re being ‘overwhelmed’ by the coverage. And, of course, we shouldn’t forget our American colleagues working on a day to day basis with their clients.
Think back to the past few months: how many times has someone mentioned key characters from the US election during the course of a session? Maybe once? Twice? Or, perhaps, quite a few times?
And, even if it’s not been mentioned then the cumulative effects of the news cycle and resulting commentary can add to the contents of our stress buckets.
The uncertainty of the outcome can also create unease in the markets which feeds through to the rest of us.
If you do work with clients from America then it might be worth considering a point raised in the Medical Xpress report.
In short, it says the presentation of content between the two main candidates is vastly different from each other – and that creates tremendous uncertainty.
Uncertainty is what can fuel the primitive brain. By providing a calm, rational approach in our therapy sessions, and ensuring that the intellectual part of the brain is in charge, then we really can make all the difference for the person who is working with us.